Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Remember, I'm in Honors College...

     I would like to start out by saying: I am so proud of myself. I am very, very proud of the accomplishment that I achieved today. It was a first for me, I had tried my hardest to do it in the past and I doubt I will ever be able to do it again. Today... I ate a gyro with all the fixin's without spilling all over myself and making a huge mess everywhere.
     Of course, I then proceeded to ruin my own moment of glory by trying to eat the ice at the bottom of my glass and dumping all the ice and tea onto my face. It took me, like, 5 whole minutes to clean off my glasses...
     And so, despite believing all my life that I would have nothing of importance to blog about, I have decided to create a blog. Partially because of the fact that a few of my friends have blogs now that they're in college (http://kaitieatcollege.blogspot.com is one), but mostly because of the following story.

     I hope you realize that the following story is so epic, I had to make a blog just to tell everyone it.

     So today I decided to get right back to my dorm after dinner and work on a short-answer essay to a question for my Human Event class. I did it fine, no biggie, it was just a half-page to a page long. After I finished writing it, I remembered that my professor wanted all the short-answer essays printed. At this point, it was getting close to 6, so I decided I would go and print it before it got too dark out. I went over to Honors Hall (about a minute's walk from my dorm) to ask one of the helpful desk people where the closest printing station was since I don't have a printer to call my own.

     The map is added to let you see the scale of my adventure.  Please disregard the red circles, they were originally on the map I downloaded and have nothing to do with my story.

     After reaching Honors Hall, I decided to head upstairs where I thought I saw a computer station instead of asking the front-desk-person immediately. That was my first mistake. Although going up the spiral staircase was fun, I couldn't stop going in counterclockwise circles fast enough and promptly ran into the wall (good thing no one was around to see). I wandered around looking for the computer room for a good 5 minutes until I realized it was probably around the corner in the other direction from where I ran into the wall.

     Remember, I'm in honors college...

     Once I located the computer room, I found that it closed at 5. I went back down the spiral staircase (running into the wall again) to the help desk, and the kind person told me that the nearest printer would be at the Learning Resource Center, just a minutes walk from Honors Hall.

      When I reached the LRC, I was relieved to see that it was still open. I walked in, and inquired about the printer. The nice help-lady informed me that the printer was broken, and the nearest functioning printer would be at the computing commons.

     So, since the nice lady told me I should head to the Computing Commons, I did. I started  to walk all the way across campus to the Coor Computing Commons, which is where I had printed papers earlier for my Biology lab.

     This was quite a walk, and since I had though I was done with walking long distances for the day, I was in flip-flops. More importantly, I had also left my pokewalker in my dorm. How was I supposed to count my steps without my pokewalker???

     Anyway, once I got there, I found an open computer and logged into my gmail. I had the luck to pick one of the ridiculously old, slow Dell computers instead of the brand new and shiny Apple computers. It took about 10 minutes for the internet to start up, and about 5 more minutes past that to get my gmail open. All that time, the computer was making noises like an airplane trying to take off.

      When I went to print my paper, it didn't work. I didn't know why it wasn't working, I had printed here earlier, and a few days before that with no problems. After playing around with the computer (read: telling it to print about a dozen times and sacrificing brightly colored sheets of paper to the shredder in hopes of appeasing the printing gods), I got my paper to print. I then made my way back to my dorm.

      Now, you might notice something different about this map, something new that I haven't included in any of the other ones. That's right, its that big green star I put on a specific building.

     That star is on the same building I walk by several times a day on my way to and from classes.

     I even have a class in that very building, and happened to have class in that building today.

     If you go to ASU, you probably know what building that is, and are now mocking my stupidity.

     That building is the Computing Commons building, which is significantly closer to my dorm than the Coor Computing Commons building, which is all the freaking way across campus.

     Remember, I'm in honors college...

     This was the adventure I had today, and I hope  you all learn a valuable lesson from it: know the name of the buildings you have class in, and don't walk across campus if you don't really need to.