Friday, August 27, 2010

Very Important Choices In College

Now that I am in college, and have been to all my classes at least once, I can start to make a routine. Currently, my routine for my week looks like this:

On Mondays and Wednesdays, I get up at 7, go to breakfast, surf the web for anywhere from a half hour to an hour depending on how long it took me to eat, and go to class at 8:30. I eat lunch on the run between classes, and eat dinner once I'm out of classes after I've dropped all my things off in my dorm, usually about 5 or 5:10ish.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I sleep in until 8, eat, then surf the internet or play Warcraft until 10:30 when I head to class. Tuesdays I eat lunch between classes again, but on Thursdays I have a few hours to head back to my dorm for some homework and an actual lunch. Once those few hours are over, I have to go to the one random class I have at the end of the day, then I have dinner.

After dinner I have some time to finish homework. By the time i finish, there is always a group of people sitting in the hall chatting, so I join them before I head back to my room for a shower and some more internet/Warcraft time.

The weekends are different though. I have three days in a row without class, where most of my classmates only have two. This is where the decision making comes in to play.

  • Do I want to sleep in until noon? Or get up at 7 or 8 on Friday like usual and finish up any homework?
  • Do I want to have an actual lunch once I wake up at noon (since I don't ever foresee myself getting up early when I can sleep in), or have breakfast? Do I want tacos or raisin bran for my first meal of the day?
  • Do I want to have a heavy meal, and eat less often, or eat several lighter ones?
  • Do I want a plate of cucumbers and baby corns or a big bowl of hummus and pita chips?
  • Do I want to surf the internet or play Warcraft? Do I want to play as my priest or my druid?

As you can see, weekends in college are filled with many tough choices. Luckily for me, I was brought up right and have no doubt that I will continue to make the right breakfast/lunch choices, no matter what meal it is that I actually end up eating at.


  1. I'm glad you make appropriate meals choices...others who may influence you to eat tacos for breakfast ROCK!

  2. Waffle tacos! Having a full make-your-own-waffles bar complete with any topping you could ever wish for has its benefits!
