Thursday, September 16, 2010

Transcript of An Hour After Biology

Today is Thursday. That means that I have about 3 hours between Biology and my next class. This gives me a chance to actually eat lunch, which is a rare occurrence. It also gives me plenty of time to get myself into trouble. I will detail the trouble I got into today as a list of pros and cons, in order. This list will span about the length of an hour, from leaving Bio to coming home to write this post.

Leaving Bio:
Pro: It was really, really hot out, so I decided to stop by Starbucks on my way back to my dorm for a nice, cool iced coffee. There wasn't even a line this time!
Con: It was, really, really hot out. I drank every drop of my frappuccino before I even walked into my room. There went my idea of having a coffee with my lunch.

Lunch: Parte Uno
Pro: There was sushi again today, and I actually got to the dining hall in time to have some. All the previous times I have been in class when its being served and have completely missed out.
Con: I still got there a little bit too late, so there was only two pieces of sushi left, both the sad little end parts that were falling apart.
Pro: It was still tasty. One of the pieces even had a big slice of avocado in it.
Con: I wanted more, but all the fatties that had gotten to lunch on time had eaten all the other pieces. Stupid fatties...
Pro: They had soy sauce and wasabi there for us to eat with our sushi! The lunch people are so considerate when it comes to condiments.
Con: Wasabi is really, really spicy. My mouth was tingling a little bit more than I usually like it too after I eat spicy foods, but I could handle it.
Pro: Sushi is really, really freaking good.

Lunch: Parte Dos
Pro: They had shrimp again, and shrimp is tasty. They don't over cook it, so it has a nice pop when you bite into it.
Con:  "Firecracker". Be very, very wary of any food with this word in front of it. I was still desperate mood for food at this time, so I decided to try it.

I don't know exactly what I was thinking, but I let them put sauce on it.

Red sauce.

Red sauce in the culinary world is like bright colors on frogs: "Don't eat me, I will hurt you if you do".

For those of you who want a description of this rule, here are a few illustrations.

Firecracker shrimp is not some sort of happy little red shrimp that will explode with flavor in your mouth.

Firecracker shrimp is more like this:

This firecracker shrimp will not explode in your mouth with flavor, it will explode in your mouth with PAIN.

Pro: Broccoli and carrots were served with the evil, evil shrimp.
Con: The sauce had leaked all over the veggies.
Pro: I had a drink.
Con: Iced tea doesn't help at all when it feels like you just licked the metal hood of a car that had been setting out in the sun on a really, really hot day and then set on fire.
Pro: Having my mouth on fire made the outside temperature seem cooler by comparison.
Con: I couldn't care less how hot it was outside, because MY MOUTH WAS ON FIRE.

The moral of the story is: Don't eat anything with the word "firecracker" in front of it and expect it to be a pleasant experience.

On a more pleasant side note, here is a video of a shrimp on a treadmill that is adorable and hilarious at the same time.

Shrimp on a Treadmill

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